Posts from July 2024

Posts from July 2024

Parcels from the Preacher: July 28, 2024

Our Brother James once stated, “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell” (James 3:6, NKJV). This is profoundly true, especially considering today’s easily accessible “information highway”. On the one hand, one would be amazed by the countless measures in manners of information that can be distributed and…

Parcels from the Preacher: July 21, 2024

A child’s learning should begin while young. At this juncture in life, our reception of new material is astounding. Additionally, what is learned first is often learned best. It is often referred to as the “law of primacy”. Assuming these things are correct, what should we strive to place in our children’s mental and spiritual repositories? A few things to consider. Firstly, it must be Biblical. Far too many Christians desire to follow the Far Eastern influence of mysticism and…

Parcels from the Preacher: July 14, 2024

Bro N. B. Hardeman once quoted, “God located the life of a fish and put that location in water; and if a fish ever enjoys that kind of life, it must get into that realm where God saw fit to designate and locate it” (1921). His famous Tabernacle Sermons reference the divine plan of salvation that the Great God of Heaven oriented from the beginning of time (Ephesians 3:11, NKJV). Thus, he advances the idea that God holds all authority…

Parcels from the Preacher: July 7, 2024

Numerous conversations center around the Body of Christ losing their children to the world. Some researchers have cited the Church of Christ as one of the most significant and fastest-growing religious groups during the 1950s – 1970s. Additionally, historians mark a sharp decline in this same group immediately following this period. One recent study by Dr. Flavil Yeakley (2008) stated that over 61% of the children reared in religious congregations would willingly step away from their faith upon leaving childhood…