Posts from August 2024

Posts from August 2024

Parcels from the Preacher: August 25, 2024

Battle Fatigue Have you ever been weary? Have you ever been exhausted to the point where you had difficulty choosing to move forward, staying where you were, or just simply falling backward? Many people have answered the call of Christ, and I do believe many have chosen this purposeful path. I also believe struggles naturally occur in this decision. Thayer defines weary as “to reduce or exhaust the physical strength of the body; to tire; to fatigue; as, to weary…

Parcels from the Preacher: August 18, 2024

Please Pray for Me Prayer has always been a tantamount facet in the lives of those who believe in and serve God. Scripture elucidates this avenue of communication of human beings with their Creator. For example, almost everyone identifies with the mournful utterances of Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10, NKJV). Her womb was “shut up”. She endures the ridicule of her peers. Because of her misery, Hannah is described as one who “wept and did not eat” (1 Samuel 1:7b). Her…

Parcels from the Preacher: August 11, 2024

There is often a rare question of curiosity that arises to “kill the cat”. One such query is, “Did the chicken come before the egg or vice versa?” To say the least this simplistic novelty makes for engaging coffee table talk, but no one has ever taken it too seriously to my knowledge. A more difficult question comes in the structure of “Why choose Barrabas over Jesus?” Now this issue demands more intellect and honesty. The Bible states Jesus would…

Parcels from the Preacher: August 4, 2024

After Pentecost The Day of Pentecost must have been an amazing experience! God’s prophetic will to save mankind from himself had come full circle and fruition (Genesis 3:15, 28:14, 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Isaiah 2:2-4, Daniel 2:44-45, Zechariah 6:12-13, Matthew 16:16-19, Mark 9:1, Luke 1:32, John 20:29-31, Acts 2:14-39, NKJV). Those who believed and were obedient to this Gospel message were saved. God then added them to the Church (Acts 2:47). This was the culmination of his saving plan from the…