5 Seconds of Obedience

5 Seconds of Obedience

There are many encompassing challenges when it comes to serving God. For example, one might ask, does God desire to be served? I understand that He does this by command, example, and by inference. The Woman clearly stated His decree when she informed Satan, “God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die,’ (NKJV, Genesis 2:3b). It only took about five seconds to be tempted and fall to disobedience. How does this help us today?

Most children, I pray, have been taught to follow the lead of those before them if they desire success. How would this differ from the instruction we hope we always receive from God? The Apostle Paul stated, “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:9). He intimates peace for all those who hear and obey the will of the Lord in heaven. Thus, we learn what pleases the Father by command and example, but how does inference play into our learning process of obedience? Notice the knowledgeable nugget found in Genesis 2:5b, the Bible states “there was no man to till the ground.” Do we ever see any direct construction that The Creator of all Heaven and Earth could not have taken care of the land which he made WITHOUT the hand of mankind? (Psalm 50:9-12).

We should strive to take from this rendering that God holds true what is reasonable and necessary in the lives of those created. With a simple five seconds of obedience to His will, we may understand all those things He desires us to comprehend. He has given us “all things which pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). He does not have to record every single word for us to be successful in His eyes (John 20:30-31). Undoubtedly, He has taught by the life of His dear Son, Jesus, how significant obedience to His will is for our salvation (1 Peter 2:21). One must receive this information with gladness, understanding, and a willingness to comply IF the benefit of obedience is the “endgame.” Think about these things.

God Bless,

Archie R. Green

Fear the Lord


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