Today’s political and social constructs certainly reaffirm the need for a form of cooperativeness. It almost seems unbelievable that after 2000 years many social issues have been somewhat resolved while others appear to have never budged at all.
Just a thought, is it truly too much to ask for people to honor one another as the creation of God? All of us, not just some. It may sound redundant, but according to fifth of Romans, every human being is blood related. I really wish this solved all human issues, but I realize some families maltreat their own worse than outsiders. God promised to save the world, Jew and Gentile alike. All would be called into one house according to the second of Isaiah. All would be taught by God as written in the sixth of John. The sixth of Galatians promises those of the household of faith “special treatment”, but not because they are better, but because they serve a risen Christ.
Whom do you serve in faith? Politics do not last. People and opinions do not last. A commitment to Christ assures, but only by honoring all others who Christ died for like yourself.
Have the day you are meant to have in Christ alone,
Archie R. Green