Book of James: James 2:1-13
- What thoughts, words, actions are needed to “hold” to a faith built on Jesus Christ?
- What is a different way of stating “respecter of persons”? What is good/bad about this position?
- How does Matthew 6:19-21 and 1 Timothy 6:6-10 foster into verses 5-7 of this chapter?
- Using verses 8-9, how does disregarding the “royal law” teach us about our personal faith?
- Using verses 10-11 complete this statement. God calls His children to be ________________. Pursuing __________________ and _______________________ (Hebrews 12:14) will aide us in this effort.
- What does it mean to transgress?
- What role does mercy play in our salvation? Explain.
- Give at least one Biblical example of someone who WAS NOT shown mercy?
- Give at least one Biblical example of someone who WAS shown mercy?