Bible Study Questions: James 2:1-13

Bible Study Questions: James 2:1-13

Book of James: James 2:1-13

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  1. What thoughts, words, actions are needed to “hold” to a faith built on Jesus Christ?
  2. What is a different way of stating “respecter of persons”? What is good/bad about this position?
  3. How does Matthew 6:19-21 and 1 Timothy 6:6-10 foster into verses 5-7 of this chapter?
  4. Using verses 8-9, how does disregarding the “royal law” teach us about our personal faith?
  5. Using verses 10-11 complete this statement. God calls His children to be ________________. Pursuing __________________ and _______________________ (Hebrews 12:14) will aide us in this effort.
  6. What does it mean to transgress?
  7. What role does mercy play in our salvation? Explain.
  8. Give at least one Biblical example of someone who WAS NOT shown mercy?
  9. Give at least one Biblical example of someone who WAS shown mercy?


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