Parcels from the Preacher: August 11, 2024

Parcels from the Preacher: August 11, 2024

There is often a rare question of curiosity that arises to “kill the cat”. One such query is, “Did the chicken come before the egg or vice versa?” To say the least this simplistic novelty makes for engaging coffee table talk, but no one has ever taken it too seriously to my knowledge. A more difficult question comes in the structure of “Why choose Barrabas over Jesus?”

Now this issue demands more intellect and honesty. The Bible states Jesus would come into the world and deliver it from sin (John 3:16, NKJV). Most agree with this. They even further approve evidence that His death and resurrection ushered humanity into this Grace from Heaven for all who obey are welcome to its saving power (Mark 16:15-16). Indisputably the will of God as proclaimed throughout the ages by the law and the prophets (Luke 16:16). The PROMISE came through the Christ and no other! (Zechariah 6:12-13).

Some historians claim it is a simple trajectory in choosing a “freedom fighter”, Barabbas, versus the “pacifist” or “holy man” in Jesus (Matthew 10:34). People desire war and war for gain with them reaping the reward. The only issue is that they publicly claim peace while doing so (Jeremiah 8:11). This is amazingly confusing. I understand no one desires to “get canceled”, but does it not resonate hypocrisy to the world when those who claim to love the Son, are constructing another Golgotha on which to hang His people? God forbid! Holding to the Scriptures, we recognize Barabbas was only serving his role in Salvation (Romans 9:17). So, what are we seeking to accomplish in choosing “murderous” individuals over Jesus today? Does it not stand to reason we will incur the same outcome as those before? (2 John 9-11).

God did not stand in the way of the Jews choosing evil over good while His Son was on earth, and He will not hinder similar actions today. The real question is, who are you choosing? What do your thoughts, actions, and words tell the rest of us about your choices? We may get away with it in this life as many did before us, but no person gets away with it for an eternity (2 Corinthians 5:10-11). Is that type of blood on your hands worth it?

Give it some thought,

Archie R. Green


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