Parcels from the Preacher: November 5, 2023

Parcels from the Preacher: November 5, 2023

“Lord Jesus Christ, be present now, our hearts in true devotion bow, your Spirit send with grace divine, and let your truth within us shine”. Just a thought, how often do we call on the name of the Lord? It seems very often in moments of distress like Peter in the fourteenth of Matthew. Perhaps we stand in judgment of the Lord and cry out for urgent care as we find in the first of Habakkuk. Truly Jesus is Lord and desires to save us…even from ourselves. There is one caveat; it will not be when, nor where, nor how of our own volition. The prophet Joel recorded in his second division, “That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved”. So many over the last two-thousand years have forsaken the true devotion found in this singular passage and have changed the mandate found here for prayer benches, sinner’s prayers, and invitations within cold hearts. None of which can save. The divine grace given unto mankind which can save is obedience to the Gospel! If this is a foreign phrase, can you truly admit Christ is present now? Please consider this plea.

Have the day you are meant to have in Christ alone,

Archie R. Green


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