Governing the Soul

Governing the Soul

Periodically, one may find themselves immersed in a Bible Study where someone objects to the doctrine of Christ, stating, “Jesus came to set us free from all these rules and regulations that were given to Moses.” Which is essentially true (Colossians 2:14, NKJV). They often favor a life without interruption in the things preferred versus a “system of religion” governing their living. Additionally, someone might suggest, “Give me Jesus and not the church,” which also infers a “managed” lifestyle significantly hindered by legislation. I have often wondered if there is more to this philosophy than what meets the eye. For example, Jesus clearly stated that His coming was so that the lives of human beings could be lived more abundantly (John 10:10). These lives must be lived sacrificially to God as He commands (Luke 6:46). Therefore, a moral, sacrificial, and obedient life acknowledges Jesus as Lord and Commander of all righteous behavior (Psalm 119:11). So, does life become a “grind” when I submit to repentance and baptism for the remission of sins? (Acts 2:38). God forbid! This only enhances the earthly travails and allows for proper soul governance (Proverbs 2:10-11).

I find it interesting to see lessons and applications from Scripture that would enable further justification in these matters. As early as 1900, we see this mechanical instrument employed in regulating speed on motor vehicles. A “governor” can limit the rotational speed of an internal combustible vehicle to “prevent damage due to excessive rotational speed.” (Free Wikipedia, 2024). Question: Why is there a desire to limit or reduce excessive speed? Answer: to prevent chaotic behavior among drivers and their vehicles. Right? Is it not possible God realizes His creation can and will self-determine their destruction if given more than a “short rope”? (Genesis 6:11-12). Imagine a worldwide “autobahn-style” living for all creation. Would not a loving Creator “curb” our destructive potential to save us from ourselves? (Genesis 11:6). Thus, the actions and Law of the Father are never intended to inhibit but to guide and foster a reciprocating love towards Him. See, God only desires us to serve Him. He governs the soul because He understands anarchy occurs without law (Genesis 6:5). Sometimes, I’m not too fond of the rules until I remember that they are there to save me and never to harm me (Psalm 119:105). Let’s cherish this and give it some thought.

-Archie R. Green


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