I was standing by my window…

I was standing by my window…

“I was standing by my window, On one cold and cloudy day. When I saw that hearse come rolling, For to carry my __________________ away. Will the circle be unbroken, By and by, Lord, by and by. There’s a better home a-waiting, In the sky, Lord, in the sky”

Just a thought, how would you fill in the blank? Who are you willing to pine for at the window, truly wishing for just one more moment in life? Countless loved ones mark the earth each day according to the ninth of Hebrews. In the ninth of Ecclesiastes, the wise King stated our destiny is unalterable. According to the ninth of the Psalms, God will judge each life righteously and justly.

Standing at the window will never bring anyone back. Our moment of tears and pain will be fleeting. The grand determination depends on obtaining the circle and making it permanent. There will no impeding of the hearse; the only question is, how are we resting in it?

Have the day you are meant to have in Christ alone,

Archie R. Green


Well Fed


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