Posts from January 2024
Parcels from the Preacher: January 28, 2024
“Modern English speakers use the phrase “crocodile tears” to describe a display of superficial or false sorrow, but the saying actually derives from a medieval belief that crocodiles shed tears of sadness while they killed and consumed their prey”. Just a thought, from a Biblical standpoint, this is an incredibly challenging concept. Superficial or false sorrow fill the pages of Scripture and God declares this unjust. True sorrow from sin brings repentance worthy of God’s forgiveness and Paul records in…
Parcels from the Preacher: January 7, 2024
See if this sounds vaguely familiar: boy saves day then gets the girl. Truth, right? Just a thought, hasn’t mankind always desired a hero? Wanting to be that hero? To be able to rush in at the last second (to dramatic music BTW) and accomplish the miraculous! The reality is, we cannot fly, do not hold superpowers, and we cannot save. Neither physically, not spiritually. This position is reserved only for the Lord. He is there in our darkest hour…
Parcels from the Preacher: January 7, 2024
“O Saviour, bless us ere we go; Thy word into our minds instil, And make our lukewarm hearts to glow, With lowly love and fervent will. Through life’s long day and death’s dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our light. A-men”. Just a thought, how desperately do we need the Lord? I am sure someone other than myself has contemplated this at least once over their lifetime and have come to the same conclusion there is none outside of Him…