“A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. To
serve the present age, My calling to fulfill: O may it all my powers engage, To do my Master’s
will! Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And O Thy servant, Lord, prepare, A
strict account to give! Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely, Assured if I my trust
betray, I shall forever die”
Just a thought, we great reward, comes great responsibility. The truth of this life brings forth
much service as recorded in the twelfth of Luke. When we decide to die to self and live for
Christ, evangelism and service become our all as written in the twelfth of Ecclesiastes. In the
twelfth of John, Jesus teaches us the reward of Heaven is predicated by a loving devotion to His
will alone. Keep it simple; fulfill His will and not your own.
Have the day you are meant to have in Christ alone,
Archie R. Green