Parcels from the Preacher: March 17, 2024

Parcels from the Preacher: March 17, 2024

“Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford. Comfort those who weep and mourn; Let the time of love return”.

Just a thought, some are still waiting for “signs”. Many have been taught God is still in the miracle business and producing supernatural cues meant to lead some to a higher truth. This can be quite confusing with what is already recorded. For example, Paul taught Timothy a man could be “complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” in the third of 2 Timothy. Paul also stated in the first of Ephesians that God, “has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ”. Peter also states the knowledge of Jesus Christ leads to “all things that pertain to life and godliness” in the first of 2 Peter. I am truly curious what other truth does a person need outside of the Bible? Simple logic dictates all means all, right? No new messages need to be or will be sent; we have all we need, not necessarily what we might want. The question is are we willing to be satisfied with this alone? Think about it.

Have the day you are meant to have in Christ alone,

Archie R. Green


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