Have you ever been so frustrated, you resorted to anger as the preeminent tool of response? I know I have; may God forgive me! It seems our world continues to be divided by war, economics, and political mandate, and the Church, for varying reasons, deems it worthy to approve. When we commit to becoming “up in arms,” does God favor this stance? The scriptures supremely denounce this stance. For example, God himself is The God of Mercy! The Bible states, “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed. Because His compassions fail not” (Lamentations 3:22, NKJV). Notice, the God of Heaven, not of this world, espouses mercy, justice, honor, and what mankind can understand as GOOD.
Our God not only is alive, but He is the very act of JUSTICE (Job 34:12). He alone defines, designates, promotes, entitles, where the line of mercy, justice, and what is honorable lies…and only He (Psalm 72:2). What should that dictate for those who call themselves “Of the household of faith”? We should practice these things as well (Job 8:3, Psalms 82:3, Proverbs 21:15, Isaiah 1:17, Micah 6:8).
So how should we reconcile when our anger is both justified and UNjust? We should remember OUR swords are BEST kept “in its place” (Matthew 26:25). Jesus never stated Peter was undeserving of his anger. The text implies Peter obviously had revolt and succession in his mind. Additionally, the Scriptures infer Peter misunderstood ALL Jesus had stated, exampled, taught, and commanded to this point in His righteous ministry. Peter, and potentially all the others, had literally “dropped the ball” because they allowed their own personal constructs of the moment allude them. Will we do the same? When someone initiates a Biblical investigation, do we “immediately” launch into an uneducated, emotional, lacking integrity tirade? I pray not.
God has given all things which pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter1:3). He has allowed ALL of us to understand them the same (Ephesians 5:17). He commands we be unified in the doctrine, manner of living, and love (2 Corinthians 13:11-14). God says it can be done. God wills for it to be done. Now, it is up to you and me to prove to the world, we do not need swords, nor any other harmful action which denies the Christ in our lives.
Think on these things,
Archie R. Green