Posts from June 2023
Parcels from the Preacher: July 2, 2023
“Resting on one’s laurels” was once a positive term. Ancient victories in the Greek Games, led to the adoration of competitors and their homeland citizens. Just a thought, this term is no longer considered optimistic. The opposite is true today and unfortunately, you do not have to accomplish anything before taking on this designation. In the fourth of Ephesians, we learn to work hard by our own hands for self and others. Those in the third of Second Thessalonians were…
Parcels from the Preacher: June 25, 2023
We are often asked to “read between the lines” when it comes to confirming Biblical truth. When discussing doctrine, many people will make the statement, “Well, what do you think?” As if our personal opinions dictate right versus wrong. Just a thought, does God give everyone their own justice? Paul wrote in the tenth of Romans his desire was for Israel to be saved. Was he stating Israel could consider and form their personal platform for salvation and be right…
Parcels from the Preacher: June 18, 2023
“When the Savior was praying in the garden of Gethsemane, Said, “loving Father, if you will let this cup pass from me;” I know He was thinking of the anguish death would bring to His own, How deep was His sorrow when Jesus was praying alone” Just a thought, how many episodes of agony have you undergone in this life? What was your response? How did you make it through? Most of us are convinced we did of our own…
Parcels from the Preacher: June 11, 2023
“Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true; with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you”. Just a thought, we all desire peace and a quiet place of refuge in life. With all the error, disdain, and ceremony of this world, we long for direction and a constant place of rest. Jesus assured the faithful their reward is in Heaven, not on earth as recorded in the fifth of Matthew. One has to be…
Parcels from the Preacher: June 2, 2023
“Are you giving to the world a smile (sunny smile). Helping lessen someone’s dreary mile (dreary mile). Do you greet the world with song as through life you pass along? Cheering those you may meet along life’s way” Just a thought, does a Christian smile all the time? I would love to think so, but Scripture does not agree with this most modern principle. In the twelfth of Romans, we are to strive to get along with each other. We…