Posts from 2025

Posts from 2025

Up In Arms

Have you ever been so frustrated, you resorted to anger as the preeminent tool of response? I know I have; may God forgive me! It seems our world continues to be divided by war, economics, and political mandate, and the Church, for varying reasons, deems it worthy to approve. When we commit to becoming “up in arms,” does God favor this stance? The scriptures supremely denounce this stance. For example, God himself is The God of Mercy! The Bible states,…

I was standing by my window…

“I was standing by my window, On one cold and cloudy day. When I saw that hearse come rolling, For to carry my __________________ away. Will the circle be unbroken, By and by, Lord, by and by. There’s a better home a-waiting, In the sky, Lord, in the sky” Just a thought, how would you fill in the blank? Who are you willing to pine for at the window, truly wishing for just one more moment in life? Countless loved…

Well Fed

Almost everyone who has ever taken the energy, time and effort in reading the Bible walks away fascinated by the miracles of Jesus! These wonders, works, and signs were orchestrated by God to prove His ministers of the truth to the world! (Acts 8:6, NKJV). One of the most admired declarations in miraculous behavior dealt with God feeding the hungry and weary in those who listened to His Son’s earthly messages of hope through Him (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke…

Above and Beyond

As human beings, we often desire to rise above and beyond the limitations God has set before us. For example, with gravity. This force of attraction acts upon every earthly object. Gravity subjects all bodies of substance. to be conformed to its limits. It also determines the interaction and movement of the stars, planets, light, and galaxies. No human being can rise above nor go beyond what was ordained from the beginning of time (proverbs 8:22-29, NKJV). In this, we…

Pilgrim’s Home Beyond

Notionally, more people would associate themselves and their earthly journey with Bunyan’s 1678 allegorical work entitled, “The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come,” than any sparse offering of the Bible. Why, might you ask? It could stem from Christians seeing themselves as “academics” more than understanding we are truly mere “wayfarers” in a barren land that holds no eternal pleasure (1 Peter 2:11, NKJV). It may also derive from the fact that some, yes in…


Today’s political and social constructs certainly reaffirm the need for a form of cooperativeness. It almost seems unbelievable that after 2000 years many social issues have been somewhat resolved while others appear to have never budged at all. Just a thought, is it truly too much to ask for people to honor one another as the creation of God? All of us, not just some. It may sound redundant, but according to fifth of Romans, every human being is blood…

The Lord Shut Him In

One of the more profound phrases in the Bible states, “…and the Lord shut him in” (Genesis 7:16b, NKJV). This is a climatic portion of God’s judgment of the world in sin at the beginning of time (Genesis 6:5-7). God created man as the epitome of his glory (Psalm 40:5). We were never designed to fail Him, but we fell because we refused to heed His will (Romans 5:12). But many may ask the question, “How is this an example…

The Two of Them Went Together

I have always been fascinated with worship. Being raised in a denomination gives you insight into all the “possibilities” of offerings the mind can imagine. If not mindful, we will never ask if there is such a thing as True Worship. The Scriptures teach four forms of worship: will, false, true, and ignorant. For example, in Colossians 2:23 (NKJV), the apostle Paul speaks of worship which has “an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the…

The Family Circle

For some time now, we have been studying about the home and how God would have it to be. Fundamentally, most of us accept that we come from God; therefore, He understands what is best for us and not ourselves (Proverbs 30:5, NKJV). We are taught to trust Him, for He can direct our paths even if we temporarily lose course (Proverbs 3:5-6). Thus, when it comes to home (marriage, children, finances, time management, etc.), who is best to guide…


Less than 100 years ago, the Louisiana General Assembly became the location for an argument over First Amendment Rights, “creation science,” and the theory of evolution. Edwards v Aguillard (1986) argued for the “Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public School Instruction Act.” In other words, what will be taught in public schools regarding government funding and curricula? The answer was simple: in a 7-2 decision, the court announced that “if either topic was to be addressed, evolution or…